How Much Does a Maths6 Session Cost?

1-to-1 TUITION
1-to-1 TUITION with Maths6 costs £45 per hour.

SMALL GROUP TUITION with Maths6 in small groups of up to three students is more affordable. These sessions cost just £22.50 per hour. For experienced and highly qualified A-level Maths tutors this is the best value on the market. Students who study A-levels at school/college will most likely have study time (or free periods) built into their weekly timetable. Therefore, we recommend that you take advantage of our lower hourly rate by fitting a Maths6 tutorial session into their daytime study slots.

If you have any reservations about the impact of a Maths6 tutorial session then why not book an Introductory Session with us. If you decide not to continue with Maths6 after experiencing this session then you will not be charged. This means that you have nothing to lose!!