A-level Maths Catch Up


It is important that all A-level Maths students who progress to Year 13 bring a solid understanding of the Year 12 content with them. A-level Maths is a progressive subject which means that subject knowledge and skills are constantly being reviewed and enhanced. Mock assessments taken at the end of Year 12 will highlight gaps in students’ knowledge and, whether these knowledge gaps are due to a lack of confidence or the result of time off college, they need to be filled. For students who are looking to maximise their end grade potential then a confident start to Year 13 built on a comprehensive understanding of the material covered in Year 12 is vital. Additional input from Maths6 during the summer months could prove to be the catalyst to a highly successful Year 13.


Maths6 works with private individuals OR in collaboration with school and college departments to offer additional tutorial support across the entire cohort.

John and Martin at Maths6 are vastly experienced A-level Maths and Further Maths tutors who can deliver any aspect of the pure or applied curriculum. The question level analysis undertaken as part of the Year12 mock process will often identify a specific cohort who require intervention based around a very specific set of topic areas. Consequently, the content that we deliver in these catch-up sessions is driven entirely by you. Maths6 sessions are delivered online using the very latest technological developments. Our live, interactive and engaging tutorial sessions can be scheduled around the school day. We would provide weekly feedback on student attendance, engagement and progress. For our bespoke school/college collaborations then it is possible for us to deliver these sessions face-to-face on-site. If any individual students who are seeking the additional support that comes with private tuition, please reassuringly direct them towards Maths6.


For all school sixth forms and colleges the most important key performance indicator is the results profile. Teachers and managers at each school sixth form and college work tirelessly to raise the achievement levels across the A-level Maths and Further Maths cohort and improve their value added (ALPS) profile. Starting Year 13 with a cohort of A-level Maths students who have a solid understanding of the Year 12 content is at the very start of this process. For those students who, at the end of Year 12, have been identified as performing below their minimum grade expectation then a few additional sessions over the summer months from Maths6 will help to accelerate their learning and ensure that they start Year 13 confidently with the right knowledge, skills and behaviours.


For further details or to discuss possible timetabling please contact either John (john@maths6.co.uk) or Martin (martin@maths6.co.uk) at Maths6.