STEP Exam Preparation


The STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper) is an admissions test that students will be asked to sit if they are applying to study mathematical sciences at Cambridge or a growing number of other universities (including Warwick, Imperial, Lancaster and UCL). Students sit this paper in the summer term of Year 13. It is undoubtedly the most challenging of all admissions tests. Questions on the STEP paper are less structured than students will have met to this point and thorough preparation is vital to secure a good grade. Even in large A-level Maths cohorts, the number of students sitting this paper will often be limited to one or two individuals. Maths6 will bring these like-minded individuals together in small groups across institutions, giving their preparation a greater sense of purpose and increased challenge.


Maths6 works with private individuals OR in collaboration with school and college Maths departments to offer additional tutorial support across the entire cohort.

It is difficult to fit entrance exam preparation into an already packed curriculum. The STEP requires a different skill set than that required for examination in the A-level course. Students select from a set of 11 extended questions that require a depth of understanding beyond usual expectations, and the best 6 will count towards their final grade. There is a strong focus on proof and careful consideration of conditions that permit, or prohibit, generalisation. The content covers the whole of Maths and Further Maths A-level, often pushing students to think beyond the usual limits encountered in their course. The support offered by Maths6 will give insight into question choice and exam technique, as well as showing students how to use their current body of knowledge to uncover deeper insight and previously unseen results. Students can opt for individual one-to-one tuition, or, alternatively, they can join a small group of determined students who are all preparing for the STEP exam paper.


Competition for places at the most prestigious universities has never been tougher. The selection process that universities use is devised to identify the students most likely to thrive. By far the most common reason for students’ applications being declined is an unsatisfactory result on the admissions test. The STEP is designed to challenge the top 2% of A-level Maths students. Students will need support and guidance of the highest calibre in order to attempt this examination with confidence. Those participating in the STEP reported that it not only prepared them well for their degree, but it was also the ideal preparation for their A-level Maths and Further Maths exams.


For further details or to discuss possible timetabling please contact Martin ( at Maths6.